Maybe I am too conservative, but maybe distance makes the heart grow fonder, but when it comes to RE transactions the further the piece is from your touch, the harder it will be to look out for your own best interest.
One problem that I notice in this business is the confusion between what an APPRAISAL is and what a BPO or CMA is. Banks get dirt cheap property reviews (BPOs) and sometimes laymen refer to these as APPRAISALS, they absolutely are not. CMAs are market analysis done for potential sellers, Realtors usu. do these for free.
Appraisal is done by a licensed appraiser, there are websites where you can check out their license. Not all appraisers are created the same, as in any other profession, some are honest, some can be bought. The current RE crash is due in part to dishonest appraisers, here in CA, they were flipping too and guess what??? it paid for them to inflate values, hence the crooks are barely hanging on now... what is nice about RE is that everything is stored for future reference and sooner or later all of the crooks will have to pay for their dirty deeds... you can run, but you cannot hide... forever!!!
Punishment is one year from discovery, so when the law decides to open the books and "discover" who did what , where and when, they will be held accountable. That said...
BPOs are Broker Price Opinions, bank usu pay an average of $50.00 for a Broker to do a simple price evaluation. Since the agent/broker is not a licensed appraiser, they are not held to the high standards or quality of product that an appraiser is held to. BPOs can really be skewed to satisfy the client.
CMAs: Comparative Market Analysis are done by Realtors/Agents/Brokers for the typical residential Seller and are similar to BPOs, but are usu. done for free in hopes of securing a listing agreement and then a sales commission, these too are informal and only the honest agents tell the truth to the Sellers, because the dishonest ones lie through the numbers to price the prop high so as to get the listing because blind Sellers have no idea that a Listing Agent will take an Over Priced Listing (TURKEY), just to get their phone to ring and sell the potential Buyer a home that is Priced at Market Value. Go figure! The games people play!
In the current market, it is not unusual to have major pricing variations on a street by street basis, which really makes it difficult for investors, esp trusting investors, or long distance investors. The best thing is to get a licensed Realtor (not all agents are realtors, it costs about $300+ a year to be a Realtor above normal agent expenses, but you are held up to standards/ethics), so find an honest one, promise them listings and do what you promise and let them do your BPOs, CMAs. Make them stay in the neighborhood for comps and only go back 90 days max, right now if you go more than 90 days out in a soft market, you are asking for trouble.
Good Luck! -- Dawn