I really think parts of this show are real, unlike the others out there. Flipmen I think I watched it one time and turned it off, seemed so fake. House Hunters International is also my favorite but you can tell its also faked.
Sorin and Shanequa you are exactly right I felt the same way, last nights episode when that agent named Egypt told the buyers to make their offer but not to lowball pretty much because it would be their last chance. Things turned awkward with the agent and you could tell she was mad lol because the buyers stuck with their offer. Another thing is that when these first time buyers are approved for their FHA with a budget of xx dollars, they want to get a house for the amount their approved for. Not a good idea IMHO. I mean why would a single first time home buyer teacher want a two story 4 thousand sq foot home for himself?? I see it all the time even with my friends working at banks and getting into these expensive houses. I think you have to be smart specially if its your first time buying a property. Plus with this market and all of the REOS, why wouldn't someone want to buy a fixer upper and fix the simple cosmetics of the house.