@Ben Leybovich
Great topic, and great discussion!
I would start out by saying, as you have so eloquently stated "Buyer Beware." Whether it is a university degree or a GURU course, either can be exceedingly valuable or a waste of time and money. The first thing a buyer has to determine is what is the purpose for making the investment. Some have discussed becoming a well rounded person, gaining critical problem solving and thinking skills, other suggest it is to get a better job or be successful. So why are you going to make the investment. So for each of these “goals” what is the best investment to achieve your stated goal. It might be a college education, it might be a technical education, it might be a guru seminar or it might be something else. Just like in Real Estate there is no one correct answer for everyone. Any of these investments should be about exchanging money for time. As a buyer you should be willing to spend money to shorten the experiential curve of learning, whether that be a technical skill, knowledge or relationship.
The challenge in my mind is the lack of critical thinking by the buyer before investing. Most of us did not have the opportunity to step back and evaluate some of the choices we were going to make because of advertising, parental pressure, social pressure, or other demands. So for most of us we were funneled down a tract for college, no matter what. And if you want to go to work for a business, it might not be a bad decision. On the other hand, not everyone is cut out of the cloth of being a good employee. Since we are on BP, a number of us are probably not good employees.
The piece we leave out of this discussion is the personal ambition of the buyer. There are those with no formal education, training or "advantage" that will be successful in their chosen endeavor, regardless of circumstances. Then there are those with all education, training and advantage that will never succeed in any endeavor, as they sit on the couch expecting someone to hand them success.
I see all of the things we are discussing as product offerings, colleges, trade schools, seminars, guru courses, web sites (paid and unpaid). The questions for everyone to answer individually are; will this product offering move me closer to my goals, is it worth the price for the value, will it shorten my learning cycle. If the answers are yes go for it, if no. don’t.