This is absolutely true. I got a credit card with my dad when I was 16 and that helped me tremendously to build credit. With that being said, make sure whatever you do, that you pay it on time and don't wrack it up. They want to see you are consistent and reliable when it comes to paying stuff back. Some say to charge something and pay it off over 2-3 months regularly. Some say to pay it off each month. I recommend you ask the company when you open the card.
Also, only open one card. Each time you open a new line of credit, your score takes a slight hit. Try to get as much credit on that line as possible too because that shows lenders you have access to money should you get in a pinch. Don't charge it up, but have it available.
Additionally when you go to get a loan they are going to be looking at debt to income ratio. It may be tempting now to work under the counter to save some money, but that could backfire. Try to get as much taxable income as possible so you can show that you are an income earner and that you have a history of making at least a certain amount. You probably will still fall in a lower tax bracket, especially if you are in school and only working part time.
Hope this helps a bit. Super awesome you are starting to think about this now and prepare. I'm totally rooting for you! Good luck!