@Daniel Smyth @Nathan G. @Joe Martella @Joe Splitrock and everyone else who so kindly gave me advice
I said we are having window units installed at 630pm. We do not yet have a time for the repair.
This is the message I just received -
Hi, thanks for getting back to me. Keep me posted on Dwyer’s plans. The house is currently 68, it had cooled down overnight from 80 to 74 when I left this morning to 68 now. No need to put in the AC unit in the window. However, the system still need that repair to prevent it from failing in the future.
I do appreciate the assistance you have provided thus far; however, as we both can attest, this experience has been extremely unfortunate, inconvenient, and unlivable. The AC guy yesterday told me “I can’t believe this thing worked at all”. It is unfortunate but it has also gone on for far too long now. I hope you can see where I am coming from. From the perverted HVAC man, the 85-95 degree uninhabitable conditions, and constant looming threat of another break down, it has been very challenging for me (and I’m sure you and Ryan as well)