Steve K I understand the hesitation to take a course and it turn out to be just an "infomercial" trying to upsell. I always wonder the same thing... if the business is so great, why are they teaching it to everyone else?
In Sandra's case, she is just passionate about helping others, plus it opens up opportunities for her to JV. She is known as the "Tax Queen", so I'm sure that you can do a search and come up with more information about her.
Currently she is the Vice President of CFRI and also involved with the national organization. I know that she does private coaching, but she has never pushed that when I've heard her speak (She was just at our local forum group last night and freely gave some great information as a preview of this coming Saturday.)
If I didn't already have a prior commitment I would be there Saturday. I don't have anything to gain by talking up the course, just wanted to share my "take" on what is being offered. Most of the courses offered through CFRI are great and you get a lot of content for the money... I believe this one will also fall into that category.
And yes, when the REIAs bring in national speakers I believe you have to understand why they are coming there... to sell their courses.
Sandra is local and a full time investor making her living from tax deeds, so the content will be relevant to Central Florida.