ok so I sent out about 700 yellow letters to absentee owners. The copy said my partner and I would like to buy your house cash. I must have taken like 25-30 calls ( i should have counted better) the letters were bought from a yellow letter company. Here are my thoughts
Deals: zero
The calls: it seemed like everyone wanted retail. Seemed like no one was motivated and it seemed as though everyone who called back was an investor, who commented that "we are not distressed" and it seemed they were suspicious when they were talking to me.
Also, I think my voice may sound a bit young for this endeavor. I'm in my early thirties, but people have commented....you sound pretty young..an I'm thinking ooooh no.
So here's what I'm thinking:
I signed up with a phone service to make sure all my calls are answered live and by a woman or male that says...you've reached the office of.... And that person will ask a list of qualifying questions.
I'm thinking I want a letter that's not so general so that the calls I do get are more qualified.
I'm also thinking maybe don't mail just any absentee owner...maybe strictly out of state absentee or absentee with tax liens.
What do you guys think? Any pointers?