You said you do not expect to rent them for 10 years? Obtaining finance with little or no money down is very difficult these days. You are mention not renting them out for 10 years or so...what do you plan on doing for the next 10 years? Are you going to simply hold them and make payments on the loans? With most any financing with no money down you are looking at higher than average interests rates, which means higher will you make these payments? What about property taxes? And Insurance? When will you be fixing them up? How will you finance the rehab?
You mention additional monthly income, but that is likely a drop in the bucket unless these are insanely cheap properties? What price point are you looking at? How many are you trying to purchase?
Also, keep this in mind. While 4x you money back in 20 years is great, its not as great as it sounds. You need to think about things like inflation. Also, any investors money will be tied up, meaning they cannot invest in other things...and with no money coming in I do not see too many investors that would take that risk.
When you throw in the fact that you have zero real estate experience, no money (skin in the game), no other business background, very little credit history, you are going to have a hard time. I am not trying to nay-say, just pointing out some very basic things that any investor-to-be would also point out.