Walt Dockery your Point is well taken as well. And my experience marketing my own property was similar, lots of interest and activity very quickly, of the 20 or so prospects in the first two weeks, only 3 were brought in by a real estate agent, and the first applicant that met my criteria was one that was found through my own marketing/showing efforts so I didn't pay any real estate agent anything. But, I was opening up what I had to sell to a larger group of buyers, and in the end I only had to pay an agent a commission if their client did business with me, so in my head my approach put me in a better position. I would ask anyone who would not consider offering a commission to a real estate agent until "they feel like they are in trouble" in getting their place rented, at what point would you realize that you were having issues either getting the property in front of enough qualified prospective tenants before offering to pay a commission to an agent representing a prospective tenant? Would it take two weeks? A month? Two months? (All of which represent missed rental income for that period of time PLUS headache, worry, stress, etc...