@Joshua Feit The timing from foreclosure to marketing on HUDHomeStore depends on the property and the foreclosing lender often. From my experience of working for a big lender, sometimes it would take months or longer to get the property in conveyance condition. That's the minimum acceptable condition of the property that HUD requires before they allow the lender to convey the home over to HUD and pay the (mortgage insurance) claim.
A lender may have their field contractor go out to get the property ICC only to have it vandalized, stripped, etc, then they have to get new bids and fix new damages. This can be repeated several times.
Also, title issues may be slowing the conveyance or possibly causing a "reconveyance" from HUD back to the lender. I have also heard of reconveyances for repairs. All the while, the home sits empty and continues to deteriorate and devalue. And coincidentally, there's a home in my county that I've been waiting on for my clients (we're a HUD broker also) for eight months. My clients recently gave up and bought a different home.