@David Olson only is an option, that’s what I did. I will say it took dedication! The course I took was Real Estate Express and it’s ALL reading, no videos, no instructions, nothing...just slide after slide of reading material. If you decide that can work for you check Groupon, they have real estate express deals pretty often. As far as a broker I am currently with a very small brokerage. I too work full time and wasn’t ready to commit to the mandatory meetings and fees that big names require. My broker is 100% commission on anything you sell, $200 flat fee goes to her. No desk fees or mandatory time in the office, etc. so it is possible. I have a cousin in Fort Worth (where I’m from) and she is with a broker that’s very similar. Let me know if you have other questions, happy to answer what I can. If you want names of either of our brokers just PM me. In the meantime if you wanna we any oriperties or comps I just let me know know, I can help with that too. Good luck!