I guess one thing I’ll add is that a lot of it depends on how hard any given person is willing to work. Someone who is willing to work hard, act smart, overcome problems, show initiative and never give up is likely going to succeed whether or not they go to college.
College can be a sharp tool in the hands of someone who is willing to work hard. But on the flip side, I also have friends who all they learned in college was how to party and sit around playing video games all day while doing drugs.
I’ll also say that if someone isn’t willing to work hard and show initiative, then I would recommend going to college and getting a degree. They likely aren’t going to make it in business or RE without these traits, and it’s much easier to find a good paying 9-5 job with a degree.
But if you do have these hard working traits, and don’t feel any longing to pursue anything specific in college, then I say screw college and jump in and get your feet wet. You can learn pretty much anything you need to know about RE and business from books, podcasts, google, etc. And skipping college you have a four year head start to work, save money, and gain experience.