Sometimes it can be a fool's errand trying to figure out what people are doing. Some people's financial sense = 0. I had 5 liens from 2015 sale where people were occupying homes. One paid off towards the end of the redemption period. One owner let people stay as long as they paid utilities. They trashed the place. It is a historic home worth about $65k as is. Financial sense =0.
Another guy contacted me after redemption period and wants to stay in the house. He's giving me a down payment and $400/ month. Financial sense = 0.
Two homes were owned by people who died. By redemption expiration, they were gone in one. Never made contact. In another the man's son was living there. Thought he got a free home. Tried to make second contact to see if he wanted to buy the house or cash for keys. This house is worth a lot. But he wouldn't answer my calls or answer the door. He split breaking the keys off in all the locks and left a broken down Lexus in the driveway. Financial sense = 0.
So, checking where tax bills are sent can tell you something. Check obits, too.