Sometimes the council and the Planning and Zoning boards need to be reminded what their job is. I have gone up against several of these. I always hire a Land Planner to make sure that my project will meet the published guidelines of the P&Z, I always go door to door to those that are directly affected, introduce myself, tell them my plans and ask them if they have any concerns or questions. Most likely they will not have any questions when you are face to face but they will show up at the meeting and scream like crazy.
At the meeting, I will listen to the comments, take notes along with the names of the one making the comment and check against the list of those served notice that I called on. If there are valid concerns that won't break the bank or you deal, you can agree in your comments that you will accommodate these concerns.
When it is my turn at the podium, I restate our proposal, tell the council or P&Z that my land planner has met the guidelines that they have published, have made it a point to go door to door in the neighborhood and that it is their job to make sure that we have met the guidelines and then to approve the project. To do otherwise means their guidelines are of no use.
Sometimes it is hard to be civil but remember it is just business. If they turn it down without justification, you have room for legal action if you want to go down that road. I just move on to a more friendly community. Remember that the people that protest are doing so for "emotional reasons". Maybe their kids always played baseball in the vacant lot or they would rather look at a weed patch than look at the back of a building.
Good luck. When you develop, you are leaving a mark on this earth for the next 100+ years. Make it good!