If you are looking at the deal and you are not embarrassed by the price you offer, you are offering too much. Look at distressed property, either financially or physically, and make an offer that would make most people cry. I am not saying that you take advantage of the seller, but sometimes a smack of reality is what it takes. Look for properties that have been on the market for over a year. Look for vacant dated type of deals that have a good location.
Di-sect the deal. What would it cost to build that particular building from scratch? Land acquisition, planning and zoning, plans and specs, contractors (historical costs per square foot to build) and then figure out how to re position the building to fit the current needs in the community. Look at condo process and if viable, the sum of the parts is greater than the whole. Then, figure out what you want it to look like when you are done, cost it out for the rehab, then make your offer accordingly. Make your offer for cash, closing in three weeks, no contingencies and no appraisal. If accepted, find a hard money lender or private money lender that you can either borrow the money or partner with the lender. Do the work and let the ones with money lay back. Takes time, but the profits are much bigger than your pain.
Remember, if you find a good enough tree, there is someone to help you climb it.
I recommend reading the book "A Whack on the Side of the Head". It will make you think differently.
Happy hunting. (By the way, I have followed this model for a number of years and presently own over 40,000 square feet of office space, have over 80 rental doors and 200,000+ square feet of industrial space. Dead broke 7 years ago.)