Looking for Owners to Patriciate in a Potential Eviction Moratorium Challenge:
SPONY has been asked to help coordinate a potential challenge to the eviction moratorium. In order for this effort to move ahead, property owners who have been impacted by the eviction moratorium will need to share their stories. For example: Were you issued a warrant issued prior to COVID? Do you have any existing eviction/summary proceeding cases that commenced prior to December 2020, whether pre- or post- pandemic? Do you have a tenant not residing in the unit & not paying rent? We are looking particularly for cases where tenants are taking advantage of the situation created by the pandemic, who are otherwise able to pay rent and are not paying simply because they can.
If you have been severely impacted by the eviction moratorium or know anyone else who has, please contact me with the subject line: “Eviction Moratorium Challenge” then I send you email address you need to send your stort to. I am prevented from providing the email address on this posting.
WE SMALL LANDLORDS NEED TO FIGHT AGAINST THIS INJUSTICE AGAINST US...THIS IS A WAY TO DO IT1 It's time for people to start hearing the LAndlord's side of the story. No one is going to help us until we start helping ourselves by getting our stories out. PLEASE PARTICIPATE... let the world know what is happening to us. We are not the rich, greedy, money grubbing slumlords they try to portray us as. We arde honest, hard working, trying to mkae our communities alittle better for our families, average Joe citizens. Share your story, not just amoung other landlords but to the people who make the decisions that affect our rental businesses...they need to hear them. PLEASE PARTICIPATE . THANK YOU.