Revenue/Income approach:
This is rough calcs to compare against their proformas. Theirs should be more accurate.
Don't have their size mix.
55,850 NRSF average at 150 (10 x 15)= 372 units
372 average units x $65 their price x 12 months x 85% full their figures= $246,000
Close to their $245,000 figure. Not including Office rent $21,000 since not included in Cost analysis.
Upside at 100%= $290,000
Can't tell if there is extra expansion land to factor into value.
Lets leave revenue at $246,000
Insurance $13,000 their figure, close to what I pay.
Property tax $20,000 jumps from $6,000 to $20,000. Ask and understand. $20,000 seems a little light, but don't know their location.
Leave out Depreciation for cash flow discussion.
Wages $50,000 average for them. You don't live very far. I would do Self Service. You, wife, kids, office help can do this. Do $5,000 for a local person to walk through and check, pickup trash, weed, send you update pictures. One of you just drive down once or twice a month to reload units that have moved out. Go see how I do it on the internet. Use $5,000.
Other $15,000; to me seems high, but lets leave it.
Net before taxes and depr= $193,000; remember try to have the purchase price broken out. Year 1 write offs, your shooting for zero taxes this year and next, from a cash flow standpoint.
I'm keeping this rough, you change figures as you see fit. Example if you want to throw back in the full $50k wages. Go through Income tax and depreciation calcs to refine.
$2,800,000 / $193,000= 14.5 years. My objectives are 8 to 12 year payback. With bank amortization of 20 to 25 years. I would only go this high if it: a. Had extra ground to expand on, b. Had Vehicle storage, I could convert to building storage, or if rental rates are so far below Market and I could raise them 20% and still maintain occupancy percentage. Instead of their $65 for a 10 x 15; around $75/$80 per unit. Do a price comparison on Sparefoot in the neighborhood. Should be a lot cheaper than nearby OKC or Norman, so don't use those as comparisons.
I'll do a market analysis next.