OP Just for Kicks I'll go with 100% illegal alien removal by 12/31/2025. Not looking for either a positive or negative NET population change.
All topics and issues even in REI, I believe in using both Push/Pull tactics.
1. $100,000 fine for any company per individual employing illegal aliens. At a company I worked at, we had a 16 year old boy running a warehouse forklift using a 7 year old girl's social security number using the existing Federal employee validation process at the time. With AI or just plain data management, we should be able to catch quite a few issues.
2. No medical treatment unless legal status is shown.
3. No education benefits given unless legal status shown.
4. Housing- not worried about. If they can't meet rentals, the landlords will evict.
5. Darien Pass/Panama- There already is a couple hundred miles of JUNGLE wall there. Put in place a no pass zone there and along the ocean coast. Apply pressure and add economic industry on/to Panama and have them do. Immediately. Within 1 day.
6. Green card/Student/etc etc permits/visa. Ramp up programs. You have 90 days to get legit.
7. Vetting systems for permanent immigration. Educational, monetary, medical, etc assets/skills. Any labor shortage areas, speed up green card process noted above. Educational- any STEM or medical fields give them a 3 year citizenship process. Monetary- they need to bring $XXXXX amount of cash in or monthly sources of income. All other countries I have looked at, require this. Medical- anyone with TB, Cancer, history of vaccinations, etc terminal or key health issues not allowed in.
8. Only allow 100 Political Asylum passes by the President themselves ever year. There are not millions, but Billions on people in the world with Political Asylum issues. They need to handle their issues at home. Or if we are that concerned about them, we need to do Nation building, which no 1st world country that I know of has been able to do long-term.
9. Do away giving citizenship based on birth in the US.
10. We need to move away from dependence on China for both political and also capacity reasons as their population ages. Move as much of that manufacturing South of Panama as possible. If they can make a decent living, they won't want to leave their families or go where their food, culture, and language don't exist.
What is the impact to REI? I see no impact at all, if the above are all performed in concert.
Just like REI. Why will I fail at REI. Should I make my first investment? What city is the best market? We will come up with many different immigration questions as this occurs, but you approach each the same way you would do REI.
A. How will they get back home?
B. How about the 25 year old, who was 1 year old when they were brought across the border?