@Cleotha Euwins You may have just made a broad statement to keep the post simple, but if you are just making a list of absentee owners there are probably better ways to spend your time and money (especially if you plan on using direct mail). Just because they are not living in a property doesn't mean they have any motivation to sell. Its always good to try to be efficient!
Before you start a mail campaign I would do your research (if you already haven't) on stressors like foreclosure, bad taxes, probate, etc. and really focus who you want to reach. Then do the dirty work to compile those lists. It will be a much more effective use of your money and time. Foreclosure lists on Listsource are wildly more expensive than an absentee list in my experience. I personally drive for dollars, use the FREE county delinquent tax and probate lists, then use my money to skip trace.
Cold Calling and online marketing are all the rage right now my man! This of course is all just my personal experience so I hope it helps. Feel free to shoot me a message or connect if you want to discuss it more!