Well, last night I got up in front of my local REIA during the "Wants and Needs" open mic time. My heart just started pounding right now thinking about it! Hahaha! I really have a fear of speaking in front of crowds... needless to say I bombed! But at least I had flyers printed up and set out for the Duplex I am selling. Some of the details I forgot to mention while trying not to die in front of everyone was Monthly Rent, Bedroom & Bath information. Seriously, Im almost sweating thinking back to my 15 seconds on the mic! Hahaha! I am fine in groups of a few people, but amplify my voice and put me in front of a room full...
My anxiety aside, it was a good meeting. I meet several of my fellow BP members there, Jesse Tsai Orlando Centeno and Kay Mays. I even signed up for their weekend long boot camp next month. I am not one to spend money on coaching or other peoples ideas, but I figure if it gets me one deal it pays for itself. The networking will be worth it. There are people who buy plane tickets and hotel rooms to network, so a boot camp seems worth it. I also need to work out my anxieties of speaking in groups, this may help. :)