Fortunately for you the cash flow still works out so this is just a temporary bump in the road. But, yes, you absolutely have been poorly represented by your Realtor and attorney. It's hard to say if it was intentional or just negligent, but just like you are responsible to do your due diligence, so are they, and they need to be working FOR you. Sounds like they were primarily working for themselves. Since good deals are challenging to find, you might go forward with this one and just take your lumps. But since you have written communications from your Realtor stating the tenant was month to month and the attorney didn't follow up on their end either, I would try to use that as leverage to get them to reduce their fees or commission to make up for your lost rental income if not in whole then at least partially. It's, at the very least, worth a conversation with them. You never know until you ask. If they're willing to work with you on this you might be able to salvage the relationship, but I'd probably find a better team to represent you next time.