Thank you Nancy for some well written information. I have had a problem with a few of them with consistant lates. I have adjusted due dates to fit the tenants, it usually works out best for them. On the 5th day I start the late fee of $25 a day until paid. The tenants have paid it and after a few of those, they have been on time. I serve notice to quit on the 11th. I would prefer never to get a late fee. I like knowing when the money is coming in as I have bills to pay also. This is a business Nancy. Did I tell you this is a business. I had to tell myself that the first three years when I was giving them all every break in the book. Now,,, it is strictly a business - nothing else. Makes it so much easier - no more drama. I have never been in court so I am not sure what the judge would think of the charges. I should go and sit in on a couple of cases and find out for myself.
Thank you Nancy for a well written article.
Patricia - Brownstown - Downriver