State specific as said in above responses. In my area, if the tenant doesn't pay after the time frame in the pay or quit, I complete the unlawful detainer paperwork ( which is available online in my area) print the # of copies I need, call the court for a court date, go to the courts and file the paperwork.
Show up to court on given date, if tenant doesn't show I usually get immediate possession but still have to file additional paperwork for the Sherriff to serve the tenants.
If the tenant shows up to court, the judge usually gives me possession in 10 days , but I still have to file additional paperwork after the 10 day period for the Sherriff to serve the tenant and for me stay on the right side of the law. Sherriff calls me and lets me know the actual date & time of the eviction, which myself, my crew/locksmith & the Sherriff shows up. Sherriff and I look around the property and if the unit is vacant, I can change the locks and proceed to prepare the unit and put it on the rental market.
If the unit is still occupied or has items in the property, I can change the locks but can't remove any items (but I can put all items in 1 room) that may be in the unit for an additional 24 period, which of course the Sherriff documents. Once that 24 hour period has passed, I can discard any/all items and can't be held liable for anything that is put on the curb.
Approximate time frame for all of this in my area, from filling the unlawful possession documents until I actually get possession of the unit 30-45 days. That's why it is important to stay on top of your paperwork.