Not exactly sure where to post this, so figured the general personal finance is a good enough place. As others are saying, I'm finding financial planners (both fee-based and commissioned) just don't have enough personal real estate investing experience to offer guidance for me.
I fully advocate seeing a planner for overall, but expect they're going to say diversify, stock market, save save save, etc. In case this triggers a keyword for you and you're considering it, please do yourself a favor and see an hourly fee or flat fee CFP. As they say, if they're not charging you, they're getting paid another way and that's called a conflict of interest. I just experienced this with a financial advisor that sold someone a bunch of annuities and made a very nice commission but the investor made almost no money at all in the investments. Sad that the financial planner made about 300x what the investor made.
Tangent aside, I'm looking for someone that can look at my holdings and help me figure out some paths to where I want to go, larger multi-family. I've been investing very part-time for 20 years, and currently own a couple SFRs, but had 5 at one point and I'm wanting to scale a bit more.
Does anyone have any contacts or recommendations for what I'm looking for?
Thanks for the input BP community!