TODAY, what 'CAN' i do?
My BIGGEST thing i NEED to work on is my business plan. It has me stumped cause i am looking at the overall aspect of the project. UGH. i think. so i need to break it down into pieces and just look at that one piece at a time and put that together.
the other thing is i think i am over thinking it and making it more complicated then it has to be to accompllish what i want it to. I dont think it neds to be all that complicated, or even very page.
I write this, cause sometimes we get like stuck in the mud... I found i lost my oomph for a few days... now i see i am stuck and why i am stuck. I am over analyazing and making it bigger issue then it is; and i need to break this one project down into managable size and work with that one small piece. I 'CAN' manage that. I shall pick one part that project- for me its writing up a business plan- so i will focus on one piece today.
I will get back with you later and let you know if i DID it and accomplished one piece.
I am also going to CALL THAT Attorney TODAY and set up a meeting for INc the LLC. I SHALL stop putting it off for another day. today is the time to DO.