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Money vs. Honesty...

Friday, March 27

Which means more to you? Brian and I tune into conservative talk radio and t.v. when we have time or are on the road going from meeting to meeting and all we hear about is the dishonesty that plagues our government, big corporations, financial advisers, financial institutions, etc. Why has dishon...

Integrity! Do you have it?...

Thursday, March 26

Integrity - this word and personality trait has been on the forefront of my mind over the past several days. Brian and I are partners in both business and life and I believe one thing that brought us together and has kept us together for almost seven years is that we both have strong integrity. W...

Go Out There and Make a Difference...

Wednesday, March 25

Hello All:I love the Real Estate business! I got into it several years ago because I wanted to help people that were getting ready to lose their home for a multitude of reasons. It has never been about the money (eventhough that has been an upside to the business); its really always been about he...

Go Out There and Make a Difference...

Wednesday, March 25

Hello All:I love the Real Estate business! I got into it several years ago because I wanted to help people that were getting ready to lose their home for a multitude of reasons. It has never been about the money (eventhough that has been an upside to the business); its really always been about he...

Watch Our Demo...

Tuesday, March 24


We are on Google Alerts...

Tuesday, March 24

Good Evening All:I hope you all had a successful and wonderful work day and if you are anything like Brian and me your day is still full of deals waiting to be done. Yesterday was a great day for Short Sale Calc we are no higher than #5 on any of the search engines (Google has us at #5 currently ...