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Posted over 15 years ago

Go Out There and Make a Difference...

Hello All:
I love the Real Estate business! I got into it several years ago because I wanted to help people that were getting ready to lose their home for a multitude of reasons. It has never been about the money (eventhough that has been an upside to the business); its really always been about helping people.

What else is great about the real estate business?! Its challenging - there are times I want to pull my hair out but then the deal goes through and I get to experience the jubilation from the people I have been able to help. There are very few other moments that are more gratifying than helping people when they have hit bottom and then realize that the only place to go is UP.

It is this desire that aided me in launching Short Sale Calc. I developed this service to put all of the tools that a real estate professional would need at hands reach to not only make your life a lot easier by getting short sales done in less than 10 minutes but also to give your clients the peace of mind to be able to go out and begin their new life with a clean slate.

I am a true believer in the concept of when you love and give unconditionally you are rewarded in many ways - Karma is not a very nice lady! So, my advice for today is to go out there and change someone's life for the better, it will help them and will make you feel AWESOME!!!!

