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Posted over 15 years ago

We are on Google Alerts...

Good Evening All:
I hope you all had a successful and wonderful work day and if you are anything like Brian and me your day is still full of deals waiting to be done. Yesterday was a great day for Short Sale Calc we are no higher than #5 on any of the search engines (Google has us at #5 currently ) in fact on MSN and Yahoo we are #1.

We are also excited at the fact that Google Alerts put us as an alert for all of those that wanted to receive alerts regarding short sales. This is awesome for us because Short Sale Calc is getting the exposure that we need once again after 7 weeks of the site being down. Now is the time for all of you real estate gurus to log-on and sign-up for the 30 day trial for only $1. The sooner you use this real estate tool the sooner you will wonder how you lived without it for this long.

I send you all tons of blessings for success during this fluctuating economy - lets show the pundits that capitalism is the right way to go and the American way.I will have more great news for you tomorrow!!!

