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Posted over 15 years ago

What Should I Blog on Today?...

Hi All:
I am on my way home from a fairly successful business trip and I am sitting in the airport in Raleigh, NC wondering what I should blog on today. I have many topics running through my brain and it is difficult to pick just one. Should I write about political correctness and how it has gone way over board in today's society and ends up alienating more people than not? Or, should I write about how social networks, no matter how wonderful they are, can be a pain in the rear because there are too many rules of what you can do and can't do? Please its a social network for God's sake and most of us are adults and should know to be respectful, get over it! Or, should I just write about how great Short Sale Calc is for the wonderful, hard-working, nose-to-the-grindstone Real Estate professionals? Well, I have decided to write about political correctness for this blog because I continually see this creep its strange head around the corner. I will keep the other topics for future blogs.

Political Correctness is something that drives me nuts! And, is used as a crutch for many people in many different situations. I believe that people should be respectful and considerate to other human beings but I have a difficult time when society blames everything on we have to be politically correct. Whatever happened to being real and not having to walk on eggshells because you are afraid you are going to say or do something that offends someone but can also be completely innocent? We have gone way out of control in regards to this subject and it slowly destroying our individuality. Here is a for instance, there is a young female sales person that works in a male dominated field. The guys go out for lunch together and drinks after work but never invites the female because she has instantly kept them at arms' length for the past few months. One day the guys ask her to join them for lunch and during the lunch they start swapping "dirty jokes" (a very man thing to do whether right or wrong) and instead of speaking up and saying "that was inappropriate and I am not comfortable with that type of banter " she goes back and files a sexual harassment charge with HR department. Now she has totally alienated herself from a group that she wanted so much to be a part of. Whatever happened to confronting the person that offends you and telling them that they made you uncomfortable?

As a society it seems we have to run to some bureaucratic department to tell someone that someone was being mean to us. People, the majority of us are adults and should be able to to stand-up and speak-up for ourselves and not go run to Mommy and Daddy. We are individuals and were created to be individuals; why can we not be allowed to be individuals?

I say be kind, respectful, considerate and most of all have fun. Life is too short to be someone you were not meant to be. Go out there and be the great person you are meant to be!

Many, Many Blessings,

P.S. Short Sale Calc is getting ready to get bigger and better go and check us out at!
