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Posted over 15 years ago

What is Your Dream Come True?...

Hi All:
Brian and I are sorry we have fallen behind in our posts; it has been crazy busy here in Short Sale Calc-land. But, I am back at it. If you were able to have your ultimate dream come true what would it be? It seems in this economic and ever-changing world it is hard to think about your ultimate dream; not to mention, achieving it but it is important to keep these dreams alive and the fire continually stoked. I am lucky because Brian and I have always had BIG dreams for our lives and we have always known that we were going to achieve the dreams that we have manifested in our mind, body and souls. It is difficult sometimes to put these dreams to the forefront of your mind but you have to make it a habit.

Brian and I have learned that when we want something don't lose sight of it. We might have obstacles or naysayers come in our path but we have learned (Brian more than I at times) to walk over, around, under and through the obstacles with our heads held high and our eyes on the end result. And, it is this FAITH and ACTION that is allowing our dreams to manifest in the hear and now. Short Sale Calc is becoming everything we ever dreamed of and more. And, we are looking forward to using the rewards of this dream to fulfill the dreams that are next on our lists.

Dreams are the best things to have; without them what do you have to focus on in life? So, determine what your dreams are and go out there and make them come to fruition. I wish you much luck in this quest!

