Do you choose the red or blue pill? No, I am not talking about politics. For those who haven't seen "The Matrix," the two pills represent two choices of reality. The red pill yields an understanding of the unsettling reality and life-changing truth hidden behind the illusion of the Matrix. The blue pill creates a contented experience of ordinary reality. In the world of entrepreneurship, the choice between the red and blue pills is a daily occurrence. The red pill entrepreneur is constantly uncomfortable, curious, and striving for their future self. The blue pill worker (9-5 job) does not typically deal with that; steady income, a structured work schedule, and known outcomes put the mind at ease. What other options exist? With a 9-5, someone can exist in the present, enjoy family, focus on other balanced activities, etc. Entrepreneurs, instead, thrive in the future, dreaming of what is to come. However, when they reach their desired outcome, they've already shifted their focus to larger outcomes. Therefore, they are ALWAYS existing in the future.
Can we take both pills? Can we remember our past, be content, while striving for a greater future? I think so. Whether you are an entrepreneur or not, you started reading this because of the title (or maybe you're my good friend who read this because of me). Either way, you intend to create opportunities for financial, spiritual, physical, and intellectual growth. With growth, we experience this seemingly continuous gap between our current existence and our desired destination. Dan Sullivan, a well-known entrepreneur and founder of Strategic Coach, calls this "The GAP". We exist in the gap as we set goals, reach them, and reset them over and over, being in a constant state of strife and struggle. It's good for us until it's not.
So how do we solve this? How do we avoid "burnout," throw in the towel, and decide we're not lucky? Two words. BE GRATEFUL. Gratitude is the vehicle that will push us through the highs and lows of wealth, mental, physical, and spiritual growth. Had a tough day? Be grateful. What went well?
Finding positives in a negative situation is easier said than done. However, there's so much upside in living when you realize you were gifted in life and have an extreme purpose.
So what now? How do I discipline myself to practice gratitude?
Go to Amazon, Walmart, Target, or wherever you shop, and buy a notebook. Each day, write down 3 things you are grateful for. It doesn't have to have happened that day or week, but it's important to daily list things that you are grateful for. I personally recommend doing this in the morning. It's a great way to start your day, but I am also biased since I do it in the morning and am a morning person. Do it every day for 21 days, and it will become a habit.
I've been doing it for 2-3 years now, and it's a game-changer. In the last three years, I've bought 9 houses, built a successful real estate agent business, started my own meetup, and built a huge network of like-minded people working towards big things. This habit has been a main contributor to having extreme clarity. Start now, you won't regret it.