I've recently become interested in the idea of investing in syndication deals due to its "active-passive" nature (and also diversification of my portfolio of course). With any investment, I plan to conduct due diligence of the Sponsor and ask as many questions as I can (and plenty of people here have laid out helpful questions to "grill" a Sponsor with).
And just for transparency here and to help with context (as I see many posts asking what an investor's "why" is), my goal is to one day have financial freedom (hopefully sooner rather than later) to enjoy more time with my family and friends and to create financial wealth to support my family for generations to come. To achieve this goal, I want to become involved with real estate (have yet to make a first investment besides our primary residence) and the great community. At this point, I will continue with my corporate career, so with that in mind, I don't want to add another "job" in managing real estate rentals though I would like to dip my toes into that realm some day. This has led me to the idea of investing in syndication deals, which with the proper due diligence will allow my money to work for me while I continue with my current career.
Now, to the main point of this post. The idea of investing in syndication obviously appeals to me. The trouble I am having and hoping people here with experience investing in syndication deals can help me with is knowing which private equity firms/companies to start off with in researching and doing my DD. And I'd like to begin with multi-family/apartment deals. Any feedback would be helpful!