@Will Zena
Most loans originated bank, broker, or online company, will have the same underwriting guidelines. When close, they will more than likely sold to the secondary market. For example, you do a loan with Bank of America, then you will sign at closing a notice that you loan might be service by another company. That is just a nice way of saying, they sold you loan.
Overall, if a company like Bank of America or Wells Fargo, has high overhead, rent for fancy building, employees, then they will need to pay more for doing same loan as internet company with low overhead.
Easier to deal with? Probably the same. You have to know your loan, like A quality or not. I'm W2 with good income, fico of 800, and have down payment easily in bank. My tax returns are in order, employed for good length of time, and proof of funds with bank statements. My prior loans are with Cash Call and I know my loan officer. When i want to make a purchase, I tell her the details and she just brings up my old loan information and see what needs updating.
Knowing my lender and they know me, is easily worth paying a few more hundred dollars than finding the absolute lowest rock bottom price loan and someone that I do not know.
Also, I was in the mortgage business awhile back, so I don't need alot of hand holding.