Originally posted by @Jay Hinrichs:
I got tired of the is this legal is this not.. also the equitable interest theory.
this is the reply I got from the state.. this was a wholesaler sending out a flyer just like you would make
picture of property description etc etc. So you can see this stuff can be state specific and its up to the public
and real estate agents to notify the state.. For me I could care less I will never buy from a wholesaler directly
I just wanted to know.. Why I have licenses and pay my dues and do my education when others can just mimic being an
agent and dont have to be licensed.. why have a real estate industry at all.. either we play by the same rule book or
bunch the whole department of real estate and licensing etc etc. Right ?
"Hello Jay,
Thank you for getting back to me. The advertising copy you attached to your email came out perfectly and will be very helpful. Thanks!
The Agency is well aware that unlicensed “wholesalers” are rampant in our jurisdiction. Addressing the problems is like trying to put out small individual fires in a forest that is burning. The Agency’s investigations are complaint driven, so we rely heavily on the public, and our licensees to bring these individuals to our attention.
Thank you again for the information, if I have further questions for you during the investigation I will certainly reach out.
Best regards,
Frances Hlawatsch | Financial Investigator
State of Oregon - Real Estate Agency
530 Center Street NE, Suite 100, Salem, OR 97301"
Jay, I hear you loud and clear. Unfortunately I have empathy for the boards in each state as they really don't have the time, resources, or even the slightest idea of how to battle such a blaze. It's gotta be a fight from within. Guys like you and me, and the other honest agent and investors in this thread. My fight going forward will not be with individual scammers one by one. It will just be a country wide, world wide, social media/mass media educational public service announcement, one blog post, facebook update, Twitter update, instagram photo, youtube video at a time. Millions of Americans watch good morning america, I see 3 minutes stories on there all the time about warning consumers about the bad apples. Maybe your pretty face will end up there telling all the good people what to watch out for? It'll be a grassroots effort, but it can be done. Id be willing to bet if you were to ask 10 Americans if they have ever heard of "buying real estate with no money down" or more generally the late night infomercials of getting rich in real estate by 7am the next morning, that at least 7 of them would say yes. The good news is, when a message is intended to HELP the masses, and not just a small few of hucksters trying to make a quick buck, sharing, and liking, and re-posting all over social media can spread the good word pretty fast. And you know what, if it takes me 10 years, Ill be happy with that too. As more and more learn about the scam artists out there, they'll have to turn to the few honest operators that are left standing.