I tell our people all the time that the most important aspect is the numbers. That is the beating heart of it all. The software cannot identify key performance indicators. That takes a human being's mind. In real estate, so much depends on the surrounding area. For example, our software wouldn't know how to quantify the affect of a new complex being built down the street that may compete with our rental listings. So, that's where a seasoned manager/investor comes in. I've realized that is what I am, a Manager first, but also an investor as a close second, so our firm is now naturally tailored to help investors.
Buildium is the tool to manage the day-to-day operations of rentals (or associations). It is rent-collection, online work orders, etc. But rentals are a different animal than real estate sales. A realtor can quantify more than I can, based on comparable sales, etc. In my world, if some gang moves into an area, that can plummet the rental rates, but it takes a seasoned mind to know how to even look for that. City laws are another factor, like if the city adopts or enforces a strong Crime Free Housing program. That is something that affects rentals, but there is no way to run a report for it.
I have no problem plugging you into our software package and you can demo it. I mean for free. Like create one unit for you and you can mess with it. It doesn't cost us anything because we pay for the software in blocks of 50 units.