I have been in the application integration arena for as long as their has been applications to do so. what I would like to add is that NO system is inclusive of ALL features. Thus the term, Integration or better yet the real term is "FEDERATED SYSTEM". This means you have a series of applications, workflows, processes (both manual and automated) and people that facilitate the operations of your business. A good business consultant will take the time to understand your operations from the 10,000 foot view and frankly most all businesses no matter the size looks the same from that level. The consultant will do a series of discovery sessions to flush out the requirements needed for your federated system. Then, based on their knowledge of the different pieces, they will map out the details of your end to end, better known as "future mode of operation". If you are a one person shop, then all operations points to you until you start to gain success and become overwhelmed. Then, its time to bring in a resource or resources, be it a virtual assistant, a system like Podio or something of the such to try and take the helm. This is a good move only if you are thinking of the future even in that respect. Create a scale-able system so that it grows with the demand of your operations. It will go along way, as Im sure you want your business to do as well!!!