Originally posted by "T-bone77":
Honestly, without knowing your business model, I couldn't even begin to make suggestions on the website. Who are you targeting? Why should they use you? I *think* you are trying to wholesale but it's unclear.
Without knowing your intention, I would say you could at least start by focusing your efforts on improving the spelling and grammar on your website. Get a good proofreader or writer - I'm a little (ok a lot) anal but if someone doesn't care enough to get the basics right on their main marketing face to the world, it makes me wary of doing business with them.
That aside, let us know your intentions and maybe we can give some further recommendations.
My intentions..... I'm going to be doing advertising on the radio, TV, news papers, flyers, etc. saying "We Buy Houses, Land, Multi-Family Homes" to pull them to my website. Have sellers/buyers fill out the form for me to work with them to the fullest extent.