This blog is not so much of the normal type of blog where I give a narrative on a subject. Instead, it is a request for feedback in regards to property management software (PMS)for rental property. Currently, I am using a couple of products that I cobbled together to make my process easier (or at least it is to me!). I am using one provider to process auto-debits for monthly rent, another provider to do backround checks, my accounting software to do the books and reports and the trusted Excel spreadsheet to keep my overall picture.
So my goal is to have a single PMS in place by 2015 that will allow me to have everything in one application. I have done exhaustive research and found 12 viable candidates and have reviewed all of them. I am not listing them here becuase I don't want to skew your feedback. I have run trial properties through 3 of them and I am currently beginning my trial on 2 more this week.
However, while my usage in a trial is important, it can't replace the experience that I am sure some folks may have on their favorite software package. Therefore, I would appreciate some guidance on what you beleive is a great PMS application. Please give the positives and the shortcomings. Include things you wish it had and things you wish you knew before you committed to the package. Talk about their customer support and anything else you wish to include.
Thank you in advance for your help as I value your experience and opinions on this subject.