I think the contradiction can be explained best if one assumes that there were no true earnings from the company. With that assumption, we need to make just one more..... that as an individual investor, you did not know that Pinnacle was involved in illegal activities. Now, with these two assumptions, if you had the money paid out at the end of your contract term, you triggered the threshhold for a "gain" on your contract, and that gain becomes your income and must be reported as such. However, if you simply "rolled over" your "gain" which really was just a paper entry on Pinnacle's books, there is no real gain because you never had control of the funds and Pinnacle never really produced a "gain". Only if the money was paid to you, does a real "gain" take place if the underlying company is running a Ponzi scheme. This does not mean that exceptions won't be found, or that the "gains" returned to some investors won't be recharacterized as a partnership "overpayment of capital" and be sucked back. But as I said once before, this Country is about laws and their application, not fairness.
Remeber, the "net winners" did nothing wrong except have great timing. That is their entire "crime". The last time I checked, there wasn't a penalty for that. It's kind of like the TV show "Deal or No Deal", sometimes your winnings are impacted from when you stop playing the game.
As far as karma is concerned, I also believe " that what goes around comes around" but that doesn't mean the "net winners" will be swindled as they didn't swindle this time around. They were merely lucky. That "swindle" karma comment will only apply to O'Neal and Company as they are the perpetrators of this fiasco.
In closing, I would appeal to the "net winners" to seek the advice of an attorney regarding the status of their funds if the Receiver asks for a recission of your payout. Do not simply rollover and send a check; exercise your rights and learn about your options. (Of course, you can send a check if you want, as that is within your rights as well.)
One last thing: I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving and can be thankful for something this year. If not wealth than hopefully your health or family. Life is about the glass being half full; not half empty.