BOMA opposing Mayor Emanuel's $250K exemption proposal that's part of his push for a $500 million property tax hike.
“The expansion of the homestead exemption credit, however, shifts the majority of the burden for this increase onto commercial properties, meaning that commercial properties could see increases of 20 percent or more in property taxes. That’s before additional increases are considered for schools, parks and other property tax levies,” he wrote.
“An increase of this magnitude is simply untenable for many businesses occupying commercial buildings.”
Earlier this week, Emanuel sloughed off the gripes and fears of downtown building owners and their local Ald. Brendan Reilly (42nd).
The mayor likened those sky-is-falling complaints to what happened in 2011, when he raised Chicago’s already-high hotel tax in his first city budget.
“A lot of the hotel industry was nervous then. They were critical. That was 8,000 rooms ago. We’ve added 8,000 rooms both built and are being built right now. Record tourism, convention and hospitality growth in the city. And as you know, we have two new office buildings going up in the city. One of ‘em was done on spec,” Emanuel said.
“So, while there will be a change, it will be done fair and progressive and we’ll continue to promote a business environment that fills up these office buildings in a way that also has built up our hotels.”
The mayor added: “I’m committed to making sure that seniors on fixed incomes, people who go from paycheck to paycheck at the end of the month are held harmless…It is fair. It is equitable. It’s progressive.”
The warning from downtown building owners may well be a moot point.
Despite the mayor’s appeal to reconsider, Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner appears to be dead-set against the mayor’s plan to raise the homeowner exemption.
Rauner has insisted on a two-year, statewide property tax freeze as part of the package of pro-business, anti-union reforms that triggered the state budget stalemate.
Signing off on Emanuel’s plan to raise a homeowner exemption that now stands at $7,000 of a home’s assessed valuation could not only undermine Rauner’s agenda and weaken his political hand. It could saddle the governor with some of the blame for the largest property tax increase in modern Chicago history.
“We applaud the Mayor for proposing a property tax freeze for some families, but he should support a property tax freeze for all Chicagoans. The Mayor should only consider a property tax increase in the context of structural reforms that give homeowners and job creators faith in the future of Chicago,” Rauner’s spokesman Mike Schrimpf said in an emailed statement.
“Too many areas of Chicago are already suffering from massively high unemployment and are unattractive to businesses and manufacturers that provide good-paying jobs. We shouldn’t make that problem worse, which is what a property tax hike without structural reforms will do.”
Schrimpf noted that Rauner has offered almost $500 million in financial relief for his old friend Emanuel. That includes $200 million in increased annual payments for the Chicago Public Schools “while protecting the district’s special $600 million block grant deal” and nearly $250 million more in annual savings through “structural reforms.”
“The Mayor can and should do a lot more to reform the city’s finances if he wants the Governor’s support,” Schrimpf wrote."