In a recent FB post, Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle's Director of Governmental and Legislative Affairs describes Cook County's debt problem as a "pension tsunami" in defending the recent 1% sales tax increase.
Here's the pension tsunami website, btw.
Here's the post:
People ask me why Toni Preckwinkle cut the Stroger Sales Tax and now asked for a 1% increase herself. I will give it to you straight, from my insider view of the fifth floor.
After eliminating the Stroger Sales Tax, Toni closed budget deficits of $1.4 billion and decreased taxpayer funding of the county health system by $225 million. She reduced the county's head count by 8 percent, eliminating about 2,000 positions. Rolling back the Stroger Sales Tax saved Cook County residents $1.4 BILLION (with a "b") during the last five years and she is not even close to finished cutting. She returned that money to you, the tax payers.
Cook County was hit by a "pension tsunami". We owe more than $6.5 billion and the amount grows $1,000,000 EVERY DAY we do nothing. The Stroger Sales Tax did not go to pay pension obligations or to retire debt. The money was spent to support an operation that was riddled with waste, fraud, and abuse.
The revenue from the new tax increase will NOT be put into operations. Almost all of it will be used to pay down the pension debt. She also made a promise: if Springfield approves our pension reform plan, she will reassess and reduce the sales tax increase accordingly. She has rolled it back before. I take her at her word to do it again.
The irony of this all is not lost on me. I ran her campaign on rolling back the Stroger Sales Tax. She would not settle for a quick fix or a stop gap measure - and she would not consider kicking the can. She was determined to be honest about what will put Cook County on a path to stability. I am proud to serve in her administration and I will be happy to answer any of my friends questions, either below or by personal message.