No will as far as we know. So we went to get a home equity loan to fund our real estate purchase. Lawyer working at the bank calls and lets me know they ran into a problem with the deed. First thought that comes to my mind is that I must have forgotten to register the deed when we were given the house by my mother. Nope, lawyer says that is all fine. Problem was my mother gave me the house, only my father had taken her off the deed so after his death she didn't go through probate to get this property. So it still is part of his estate. I'm thinking ok no biggy just hit the probate court, get a quit claim deed from my brother since my mother had already signed over any control she had to the property. Then the banker hits me with an even bigger problem. She can't find any evidence that after my grandfather died that the deed was transferred to my grandmother. She sold it to my uncle, who sold it to my father. So if we can't prove that it went through probate back then, we have to go through probate at that level, which means my one surviving uncle and possibly every cousin and maybe their children as well. Lesson to be learned, make sure you bloody have a will people. I could be spending the next few years trying just to hold onto my house while this gets sorted.