Rich, I wouldn't be concerned. My degree is in computers and I also work in the field now. I think most schools do a decent job of teaching a mix of old and new. She will need the old because that is what everything current is based on. As long as she learns the theory of how something works, she can use that going forward. When she goes out into the job market, they will teach her what they need her to use.
But if she stays in the computer industry, this is just the beginning. She will have a lifetime of learning ahead of her. I'm constantly learning about new technologies and products. Some I have to pay for and some paid by my work or the vendor selling the item. There are also certifications to be had.
The great thing about the computer industry is that it is everywhere. No matter what her interests are, she can usually find something in the industry to suit that. If she is more creative, she can go into web design, graphic design, or desktop publishing. If she is more analytical she can work with the hardware in desktop support or networking.