@Cindy Schneider- Tenant screening criteria depends heavily on neighborhoods and local laws.
As long as you are following fair housing and any local laws, you can set your criteria to whatever you want. You just need to be consistent about it and apply it to everyone.
I used the use this criteria for high level screening on sites: 600+ credit score, income must be 3 times monthly rent, 2 years of work history, no evictions, must provide at least 1 landlord reference. We can't blanketly deny people in my market based on criminal history, so I would double check in yours.
I'm in C class markets, so everyone pretty much has some kind mark on their credit. My key areas of rejections are: any past eviction in last 7 years, past due car payments, judgements/bankruptcies , utilities in collections, address/social security mismatches(I've caught a lot of scammers this way), fake landlord references(usually caught through simple county searches). I would error on the side of caution and just go with what the report says about their background unless they can provide compelling evidence against it.
Both your applicants seem like typical renters and both have credit scores higher than my average renter. Just verify all their information before you proceed.