First off, I'd like to say the quality of GMs products does not suck. I'm still driving a Firebird I bought from them brand new 13 years ago. It is the best handling and best driving car I have ever had and that includes Mustangs, Chryslers etc, Yes, all American because I put my money where my mouth is.
You are right about the bankers having the money and I don't think there should have been a bailout, period. This is a market correction and though painful should have been left alone to run its course.
There are plenty of people helping others in this country prosper. I don't believe in giving handouts to help others prosper to much of an extent (although I do to some extent as well as to charities) but rather teaching them to prosper on their own. Terry made the point earlier that there is plenty for everyone. The information is out there as is obvious by this forum. But many in this country are not willing to help themselves and I don't feel tearing down those who do is helping anyone,(ie, Socialism) especially not the lazy, whining bunch standing around waiting for a handout. You can give and give and give until there is nothing left to give and it will never be enough and not accomplish anything.
A lot of those countries have also been sucking America dry for years, defaulting on loans we have made to them and then we have the UN (another well chosen hated entity) who feels we should keep pouring more money out to them even though we are already bankrupt.
I don't think I have been scratching at a figurehead so much as denouncing the end of our democracy and warning against the increasing power of the Federal Government. I too am optimistic. I am hoping the outrageousness of what is going on with the government will finally open people's eyes enough they will stand up for their rights before they wind up being loaded up on cattle cars and shipped off for mass execution (Sound familiar? If not better pick up a history book too.) Hitler was loved by everyone. Voted in by 98% of the population. Was going to solve all their economic problems. I hear a lot of people who voted for Obama complaining now. Well if you were gullible enough to believe a politician you probably shouldn't have been voting to start with.
On a side note, no matter how old you get, you should never feel your time for success is over. when I graduated college, a woman graduated with my class who was 82 years old. Look at Col. Sanders. Age has nothing to do with what you can do in life. Belief, drive and desire are what it takes. I am on my third career. In another life I was a nurse. After realizing it was not my calling, I got a graduate degree in electronics engineering. I decided that the time had come to build something for myself and now I am a real estate investor. ( And in the process of building it, I don't feel anyone should come take what I have worked very hard to build).
I am glad that you are appreciating the opportunity to watch our country go to hell, There are many generations of liberals who have worked very hard to provide this moment for you.