You are absolutely correct in stating that the Federal Reserve controls the Government. This is one of the problems I have with the our government. It should be representative of the people, not some other entity. Which is the main reason I stated in another post "I'd like to see the Federal Government dissolved (at least in its current state)". I feel that the dividing line you are referring to is due to different education levels, social status and even goals in life. Without trying to sound elitist in any way, it has been my an observation in speaking with the general population (and I'm speaking on the average, not always, there are always exceptions) but the majority of conservatives I speak to are educated, well informed people who have some knowledge or training of how economics and political systems operate. They have definite goals in mind and usually a plan set forth to reach them. The vast majority of liberals I speak with typically do not have beyond a high school diploma, if that. They are usually hourly wage earners who will complain they want to see "Change" but do not have any well thought out plans as to how to bring about "change" in their own lives. Most say they want change but do not venture beyond getting up, going to work and then settling down in front of CNN.
Harrison, I wish I could say I had sympathy for those who turn a blind eye to the most important things in our lives who will wake up one day with no control over their lives.