@Genene G. Usually, it can be intimidating meeting people, specially at Meetups. If you get anxious, replace that mentality with getting excited. Your mindset will change. I was listening to another RE podcast and one of the things they preach is to get out there and meet people, get uncomfortable. I'd like to share a book that has made a big impact on me. It is the The 5 Second Rule by Meg Robbins. There is also an audio book version of that. She was on a TED Talk. Basically that book gives you a tool to stop hesitating and turning thoughts into action. It also helps build confidence by practicing daily, making decisions on the simplest things. Like, I don't feel going to the gym today. Don't think about it, count 5-4-3-2-1, then boom, action, and execute whatever you were having second thoughts of. For me, I do ballroom and salsa dancing too and that helps improves social skills. You might want to join other Meetups like hiking and just be out there and meet people. Remember, it's not important if you did not get the reaction you wanted. If that gentleman walked away, it's him not you. You made the move to introduce yourself, that's expected in Meetups so you were doing the right thing.