@Reid Mathews
It all depends on your end goal, I follow Grant closely and he`s changed my mindset about " thinking too small" for that I will forever be grateful that's about it. I don`t buy into the premise that SFH is nonsense, that you need to save 100k before you start investing blah blah. if you don't want to do the work, learn about real estate and build your empire then investing with Grant may be an option but if you`re trying to learn about the industry GET BETTER RETURNS im talking about north of 10-15% I would suggest you look elsewhere.
Within the last couple months I can tell you my ROI have been way more than what I would get had I invested 100k with him plus I got to learn a LOT MORE, networked with some incredible people. Your money will be stuck into a deal for a good 10 years and may not even double at 6% unless he pays a bonus. With 2-4 flips your money can double in less than 12 months so you do the math.
At the end of the safe it's all about your end goal. Hope this was helpful bud