What about a simple lease, with an "option-to-purchase" ???
1. A nine month, "non-renewable" lease at $1,000 per month?
2. Clause, allowing your "tenant-buyer" to pay for, "pull-permit" to install a well, that must be competed within 6-months, during the tenant-buyer's nine month lease with purchase option.
3. Option to purchase the land for $149,900 on or before the "nine month lease period" ends.
4. $1,000 per month lease payments will be deducted from the "tenant-buyer's" $149,900 agreed "option to purchase" price. (Example: The tenant-buyer made six $1,000 monthly payments and has obtained financing and will complete the "option to purchase" at $149,900 minus $6,000.00, then with a balance to close of $143,900.)
4. Buyer agrees to lose all access to said land, and if not purchased and paid in full before the end of the short term, "9-month, non-renewable lease period".
5. I'm confident a real estate attorney should be able to "write-up" this agreement for $500 to $1000, and maybe even less if you agree to let said real estate attorney to do the possible upcoming closing", from the said "option to purchase".
6. Keep this simple. If this potential "tenant-buyer" does sign this "lease w option" deal with you, this said tenant-buyer has confidence she will be able to obtain financing once the well is installed.
7. Give the "tenant-buyer" some advise to spend a few months to look for another financing source that may allow the "tenant-buyer" to finance said land without a well, or maybe another lender will finance the land and finance the well installation too! Who knows? This "tenant-buyer" may just find a "better financing deal", because this tenant-buyer will have more time to search and discover better financing.
Mr. Miller, ...good luck to you!