This is a good opportunity to get to know more than one gc. I was ambivalent w the guy I thot was good N had history too. But I ignored all the lil signs and persisted in hopes the flop was a fluke. Talk about not seeing straight. I'll never ever put myself in that situation again in hopes for being just a fluke. He's not my son, nephew nor family I can't walk away from... why tie myself up to more risk and uncertainty?
Anyway, u can let him finish if that helps ur conscience, But you can't control the quirks that got him where he is today. Ur colleagues,assuming have similar or related complaints, may hint to a bigger pattern u may not b privy to.
My vote is to chalk it up to tuition. As for future work.. too risky to b the gc. maybe earn back his keep as a sub to a new gc. Anyway, sounds like u have a good opp to meet new gcs... don't stick to just one... diversify for backup purposes.
I'd give my family a second chance on a v short leash.. but that's bc its family and my guilt n obligation wud influence the more efficient route of finding another. But then again,if it were family, I'd probably already have a clue for propensities that wud let me know if they were a good fit in the first place for me.
Good luck. I just have awful flashbacks of learning the hard way. I hope u can spare urself any more unnecessary hard lessons.
BTW, convenient of him to ask u to save his ***.. I guess he has no friends or family to borrow from eh? A more honorable and commendable action wud b to minimize ur burden and save his mess up by seeking a solution outside of the mess he created!